Children in Worship

We gladly welcome children of all ages to worship!
Hospitality is found in the core of the gospel. Following Jesus’ example, at Holy Trinity, we welcome children of all ages as integral members of the body of Christ. We encourage children to worship with their family and provide diverse resources to help them grow as disciples.
Welcoming children is the responsibility of the whole faith community! As the body of Christ, we have made baptismal promises to parents and their children: to nurture, to support, and to pray for their faith.
Here are a few ways we can all welcome children into worship:
• Learn the names of the young children who sit near you in worship and greet them.
• Offer to read, do the children’s bulletin, sing, or pray with one child during worship, especially if another child in the family is upset.
• Help preschoolers and elementary-aged kids to navigate the bulletin, locate hymns, and participate in worship. Children learn by doing!
• Recognize that some special needs are not visible and some people (children & adults alike) may make unconventional vocalizations, noises, or engage in other behaviors that help them express themselves during the service. Help children understand that people with special needs are valuable to our worship and encourage children to ask questions about differences of all kinds.
• Celebrate that God put the wiggle in children, and that children’s participation in worship is welcome.
We invite families to use any of these options on any given day --
Rainbow Bags
These bags are found in the bookcase in the Narthex. Filled with age appropriate activities, these bags help keep hands busy so ears can be listening.
Children’s Bulletin
Bulletins with activities to help the children learn from the lectionary readings are available on top of the rainbow bag bookcase. (For children preschool through 6th grade.)
While the sounds that children make are most welcome, we recognize that concerns about disturbing others can hinder parents’ ability to focus on worship. The narthex can be used as a space to worship.
If you and your little one(s) simply need a break, an unstaffed nursery is available with speakers broadcasting the service.
Questions? Feel free to ask the ushers for help and they will help you find an answer.
Hospitality is found in the core of the gospel. Following Jesus’ example, at Holy Trinity, we welcome children of all ages as integral members of the body of Christ. We encourage children to worship with their family and provide diverse resources to help them grow as disciples.
Welcoming children is the responsibility of the whole faith community! As the body of Christ, we have made baptismal promises to parents and their children: to nurture, to support, and to pray for their faith.
Here are a few ways we can all welcome children into worship:
• Learn the names of the young children who sit near you in worship and greet them.
• Offer to read, do the children’s bulletin, sing, or pray with one child during worship, especially if another child in the family is upset.
• Help preschoolers and elementary-aged kids to navigate the bulletin, locate hymns, and participate in worship. Children learn by doing!
• Recognize that some special needs are not visible and some people (children & adults alike) may make unconventional vocalizations, noises, or engage in other behaviors that help them express themselves during the service. Help children understand that people with special needs are valuable to our worship and encourage children to ask questions about differences of all kinds.
• Celebrate that God put the wiggle in children, and that children’s participation in worship is welcome.
We invite families to use any of these options on any given day --
Rainbow Bags
These bags are found in the bookcase in the Narthex. Filled with age appropriate activities, these bags help keep hands busy so ears can be listening.
Children’s Bulletin
Bulletins with activities to help the children learn from the lectionary readings are available on top of the rainbow bag bookcase. (For children preschool through 6th grade.)
While the sounds that children make are most welcome, we recognize that concerns about disturbing others can hinder parents’ ability to focus on worship. The narthex can be used as a space to worship.
If you and your little one(s) simply need a break, an unstaffed nursery is available with speakers broadcasting the service.
Questions? Feel free to ask the ushers for help and they will help you find an answer.